I forgot to do my culture clash/culture shock blog. Sorry it's late!
The culture clash that stands out the most in ym life is when I went on a missions trip to LA and we went to Skid Row. If you don't know what Skid Row is, it's a street (actually a few of them) that are lined with honmeless people living in tents, doorways, and in whatever else they can get. It was disconcerting to see so many people living like that when I knew all I had to do was get on a plane and I could be at my own home in a few hours. These people had to beg or wait for people to bring them food where as I could eat whenever I felt like it.
The realization that there really are people in this world that live the total opposit of the way I do was culture clash. All of us on the trip were good christian kids who didn't have to steal or beg for anything, yet these people we were feeding had nothing. Our families loved us, and we knew they would be there when we came home, but some of these people were alone or didn't know if their kids would be picked up while they were out.
Culture clash is a great thing. it really helps you see your own culture in a new light, and can help you apreciate what contributes to your culture.
I'm glad you were able to see culture clash as a positive to put your own life and experiences into perspective. That's a powerful thing!