Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Jail Time

Jail was intriguing, i thought it was nice of the few jailmates that said hi or si mply waved to us. Listening to the Sargent speak before we went on the tour i couldn't help but feel shocked. He said that they were peple too, i thought that it was obvious, and that the men i the cells, although they were convicted of crimes they committed, they were people. All of the people that have gone through there with sneers on their fces or scared looks make me upset in the sense that all of us have comitted some crime at one point or another. What separates a crime from an act of deviance? What if you just thoght that you were doing something small but the repercussions from it caused a crime later on down the line? I believe it shoudln't have to be said that the men i those cells are people.

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